To integrate a Shell script into LuCI

To integrate a Shell script into LuCI (the web interface for OpenWrt), you can create a custom LuCI application. This application will provide a web interface to run your Shell script. Here are the main steps to complete the integration:

Step 1: Create Custom LuCI Application Directory

  1. Create a controller file in the /usr/lib/lua/luci/controller directory, for example, myapp.lua.
   mkdir -p /usr/lib/lua/luci/controller/myapp
   touch /usr/lib/lua/luci/controller/myapp.lua
  1. Create a model file directory for handling web forms in /usr/lib/lua/luci/model/cbi/myapp.
   mkdir -p /usr/lib/lua/luci/model/cbi/myapp
  1. Create a view file directory for storing HTML templates in /usr/lib/lua/luci/view/myapp.
   mkdir -p /usr/lib/lua/luci/view/myapp

Step 2: Write the Controller File

Define a controller in the /usr/lib/lua/luci/controller/myapp.lua file that handles rendering the interface and processing requests.

module("luci.controller.myapp", package.seeall)

function index()
    entry({"admin", "services", "myapp"}, firstchild(), _("My App"), 30).dependent = true
    entry({"admin", "services", "myapp", "config"}, cbi("myapp/config"), _("Configuration"), 10)
    entry({"admin", "services", "myapp", "run_script"}, call("action_run_script"), _("Run Script"), 20)

function action_run_script()
    local result = luci.sys.exec("/etc/myapp/")  -- Execute the script
    luci.http.write(result)  -- Output the script result

Step 3: Write the Model File

Create the model file at /usr/lib/lua/luci/model/cbi/myapp/config.lua for the configuration form interface:

local m, s, o

m = Map("myapp", "MyApp Configuration", "Configure your MyApp settings here.")

s = m:section(TypedSection, "settings", "Settings")
s.addremove = false
s.anonymous = true

o = s:option(Value, "option1", "Option 1")
o.default = "default_value"

return m

Step 4: Create the View Template (Optional)

In /usr/lib/lua/luci/view/myapp/, create a template file run_script.htm to display the status of the script execution.

<h2>Script Execution</h2>
<p>Running the script...</p>
<pre><%= result %></pre>

Step 5: Create the Script File

Place your Shell script in /etc/myapp/ and ensure it is executable.

echo "Hello from my script!"
# Add your script logic here

Make sure to set the permissions:

chmod +x /etc/myapp/

Step 6: Configuration File (Optional)

Create a custom configuration file at /etc/config/myapp if you need to read configurations in the script or model file:

config settings 'config'
    option option1 'default_value'

Step 7: Reload LuCI

Restart LuCI on your OpenWrt router to apply the changes:

/etc/init.d/uhttpd restart


  1. Navigate to Services > My App in the LuCI web interface.
  2. Configure parameters under the Configuration section (optional).
  3. Click on Run Script to execute the script and view the result.

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